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Cointracking: Updated Tax prep instructions in 12 easy steps!

Tax prep has been significantly simplified with USD values auto-filled from Coinmarketcap (after 4/13/2023). These instructions exclude minting as those are a small minority of the average users. Please feel free to ask questions or leave comments for improvement.

Maybe by next year we will just export a tax report:)
Thank you for this information in addition to the mint transaction fees. I just want to seek some clarification as I have been struggling away.

On the kinesis explorer website

Payment = Cointracking trade usd to KAU/KAG 100 Kau
Withdrawal out mint on CT 99.5520Kau fee of 0.44799
Deposit into Kms 99.5520.

Is this correct?

The other question is regarding Cointracking Trade Value
Say you make a Kau/Kag purchase with usd. The sale value auto populates. But the purchase value is empty do need to calculate the kau/kag value with usd?

It’s my understanding income and kag/kau trades need the value adding for each trade between pairs. And have used the fx tool to assist.

If you transfer kvt between personal Wallets ie CoolWallet/trezor without trading do you need to put withdrawal value for each deposit and withdrawal.


Looking forward to the full tax solution. Because if you make a number of trades and are not doing accounts regularly it’s very stressful for a non professional.
Tax prep has been significantly simplified with USD values auto-filled from Coinmarketcap (after 4/13/2023).
Maybe by next year we will just export a tax report:)
I have few enough transactions to record at the time of the transaction, using a spreadsheet.

Next year, if I get coin tracking at no cost, I may check to see if they handle Canadian tax correctly which uses an adjusted cost base. With an adjusted cost base you can choose to include the fees. Then if you buy 100 KAG at CAD$28 and 100KAG at CAD$32 you will have 200 KAG at CAD$30 for calculating capital gains/losses.
Thank you for this information in addition to the mint transaction fees. I just want to seek some clarification as I have been struggling away.

On the kinesis explorer website

Payment = Cointracking trade usd to KAU/KAG 100 Kau
Withdrawal out mint on CT 99.5520Kau fee of 0.44799
Deposit into Kms 99.5520.
Some time back, the minting process was that 100 KAU was purchased with the minting fee being deducted from that, leading to (100 minus the fee) KAU being deposited in the KMS.
The process now is that 100 KAU is purchased with the 0.45% fee being added (charged in USD) and 100 KAU being deposited in the KMS.

So, it will be slightly different depending on whether you are looking at the new or old format.
I'd have thought all minting transactions being considered for recent reporting were now the new format.
I'll therefore outline that.


You should already have the Deposit record to KMS in the CSV file for 100 KAU (assuming new format).

Is this correct?

The other question is regarding Cointracking Trade Value
Say you make a Kau/Kag purchase with usd. The sale value auto populates. But the purchase value is empty do need to calculate the kau/kag value with usd?
Trades of KAU or KAG against crypto or USD or other fiat should be fine as are.
Cointracking has enough information from the other side of the trade to value the KAU or KAG in your local currency.
Trades of KAU against KAG need to have a fiat value input.

It’s my understanding income and kag/kau trades need the value adding for each trade between pairs. And have used the fx tool to assist.
You need to enter a fiat value for Income records (see above for trades).

If you transfer kvt between personal Wallets ie CoolWallet/trezor without trading do you need to put withdrawal value for each deposit and withdrawal.
Such transfers are not disposals and are therefore not included in Capital Gains calculations.
Cointracking regards Withdrawals and Deposits as transfers between your own wallets.
It won't therefore matter if no value is input/available for these.


Looking forward to the full tax solution. Because if you make a number of trades and are not doing accounts regularly it’s very stressful for a non professional.
Trades (unless you have KAU against KAG) will take care of themselves, so lots of VDC uses shouldn't be an issue.

Fiat values for the historic Income records do have to be entered, but more recent ones will automatically pick up a fiat value from coinmarketcap, so this should not be an issue once all of your reporting is for data after April 19th 2023.

Referring to the recent quarterly update, Mint isn't part of the Q1 integration with Cointracking, but is planned.
I'm getting a privacy error on Google Chrome for the C4SM calculator - any clues, thanks?


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I'm getting a privacy error on Google Chrome for the C4SM calculator - any clues, thanks?
This could be an SSL certificate issue - at first glance it might have expired but you need to discuss with Jim or whoever is running this website. kinesisfx is a subdomain of citizens4soundmoney.org. Citizens4soundmoney.org is running with https - but the subdomain isn't, hence you get the issue - but clearly there is more going on.
If you reconfigure the url to http://kinesisfx.citizens4soundmoney.org/ (not https).
Then you see

Hence i say there is more going on.
The C4SM fix tool is not currently working. There is a server/hosting issue that’s unresolved which is why I took its use out of the instructions. You will have to manually look up USD values using TradingView or KMS charts. After 4/13/23 the tool is obsolete anyway.

It may or may not get fixed. The developer created the tool for free last year and I’m on his list to get it fixed, but free does not exactly get priority service:)
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The C4SM fix tool is not currently working. There is a database issue that’s unresolved which is why I took its use out of the instructions. You will have to manually look up USD values using TradingView or KMS charts. After 4/13/23 the tool is obsolete anyway.

It may or may not get fixed. The developer created the tool for free last year and I’m on his list to get it fixed, but free does not exactly get priority service:)
Noted, thanks for the reply.

