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Decaf Wallet quick guide.

Decaf's new version now supports Stellar send.

-On-ramp crypto via Solana or Stellar or cash via Moneygram Cash-in (See below)
-On-ramp fiat via ACH: ask support for a US account. Do KYC.
-Anyone can send US$ to that account, including yourself or a company.
-Receive USDC$ equivalent in your wallet 1 for 1.
-Send USDC$ to either a Solana or Stellar address, Kinesis in this case, without fees.
-Off-ramp UDSC 1:1 to a US$ bank account or in Euro in SEPA countries, without fees.
-Off-ramp in supported local currencies via Moneygram Cash-out:


*Edit: Wise works both for on-ramping & off-ramping to US$ accounts. 😁
**Edit2: Memo is now supported on Stellar send.

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Moved from Kinesis Chat to How-to.../Deposit section so that it will be easier to find in future.

If anyone goes through the process, please add your experience below.

From previous Lobstr/Moneygram testing, even though Cash In & Cash Out is listed for the UK, it wasn't available via the Moneygram application in UK,
I have tested the Cash out feature here in Canada and it works great.
You dont use the Moneygram app for that, its done within the Decaf wallet.

Simply send the USDC to yourself, then choose which location in your area.
You get a confirmation number which you show to the MG teller (in my case a local post office counter within a pharmacy).

The teller offered me a money order (depends on amount if low then cash) or electronic transfer to my bank account via Interac which is near instant
(kinda defeats the purpose of having to go to the counter but it must be for AML/KYC reasons).

There are no fees for the transaction but the mid market FX rate is a tad lower which is where MG makes its spread.

Otherwise the Stellar send function is live, I sent a 1USDC to my Kinesis wallet yesterday & support deposited it today in my account but I had notified them of the transfer as there is no memo box in Decaf yet. Again I suggest sending to Lobstr first in the interim.

This guide may sound convoluted but note there are little to no fees ANYWHERE in the chain.

Hey there friend. I'm trying to set up my Decaf wallet, but I can't seem to get the micro payment verifications from my bank to my Decaf bank account.

The support person on the Discord for Decaf told me I need to use a crypto exchange called Wealth Warpers.

Could you help me out?

I'm based in the USA.
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Did another transfer from Wise to Decaf, took 24h.

-139.84$ CAD (3.31$ Wise fee) --> 100 Solana USDC in Decaf US$ Personal account: No fee
-Solana USDC swap --> Stellar USDC 1:1. No fee.
-100 USDC Stellar send --> Kinesis wallet, near instant. No fee.


